Warning Class 87

Discussions specific to Continental (Thielert) engines

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1 Diamond Member
1 Diamond Member
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:25 pm
First Name: Abdullah
Aircraft Type: DA40D
Aircraft Registration: A6D12

Warning Class 87

Post by FaNtaSmai »

Hey there,

I recently experienced an engine failure in a DA-40D, which resulted in a forced landing. After the incident, I downloaded the engine event log from the FADEC, and there are a few warnings that are quite straightforward, such as "High negative PRail Delta" for about 10 seconds and Warning Class 25 which is High Coolant Temperature Indication. However, there is one warning that I cannot find anywhere in the fault isolation manual, which is "WARNING CLASS 87". In the repair manual that I hold, warnings are coded up to 55 and there's nothing afterwards.
This warning has triggered all of the subsequent warnings and events. So any help regarding the said warning is appreciated.
The second issue is that the timing related to the events does not seem to be very accurate, as they are happening approximately 15 minutes after I've touched down and got out of the aircraft.

Thanks in advance
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