Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 17-19, 2023

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Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 17-19, 2023

Post by saramse »

Diamond Owners & Pilots,

I along with Steve Zimmerman and a few other Diamond pilots will be attending the Buckeye Air Fair on February 17-19, 2023 in Buckeye, AZ (West side of Phoenix, KBXK). PLEASE JOIN US FOR A DIAMOND GET TOGETHER! We are planning a group lunch (or maybe dinner) on Saturday, the 18th (location TBD depending on # of Diamonds in attendance).

I'm sure all of you AOPA members know that this is also the site of the first AOPA Fly-in of 2023. AOPA puts on a fun and informative event that offers attendees the ultimate experience of quality aviation content along with the fun and entertainment of an Air Fair. During the 3-day event, there will be world class educational content, a large indoor Exhibit Hall with the latest new tech, gear, and services. You can also stroll the robust aircraft display or listen to a seminar in one of three seminar venues. When you are done with that, don’t forget to catch the Air Show on Saturday and Sunday, as well as all the Air Fair vendors on site. Note that AOPA is hosting a AOPA Members only Chalet on the edge of the Flightline, so we'll probably hang out there during the Air Shows.

See AOPA.org for details including Hotel Room Blocks with special rates. Steve and I have a rental car reserved already and are staying at the Springhill Suites, so could carry a couple of additional Diamond Pilots with us to/from the Air Fair.

We are looking forward to seeing a lot of Diamonds are the Buckeye Air Fair, please let me know if you are coming via PM.

Scott Ramsey, N905PA '08 DA40 XLS
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Re: Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 17-19, 2023

Post by Boatguy »

I've penciled this onto my calendar and beginning to do some investigation.

On first look, it doesn't seem like there is much ramp space there for a fly-in. The FBO does not list Jet-A, but the Buckeyeaz.gov website claims 24hr Jet-A service. This will generate a lot of traffic for a non-towered airport.

Are they planning on parking planes out in the adjacent desert? The AOPA map shows parking for 48 planes, but only if they can be dropped in by a flying crane as the taxiway to that area will be blocked by tents. I just paid $10K for a prop overhaul. Diamond's are not tail dragger bush planes and I'm not anxious to taxi across the desert to my parking.

I'd definitely be interested in attending a gathering of Diamond owners somewhere in the SW this winter, but I'm skeptical about this event at the moment.

So what am I missing?
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Re: Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 17-19, 2023

Post by chili4way »

Jet-A is available at KBXK through Desert Petroleum (open Thursday-Monday, 8 am - 4 pm; closed Tuesday & Wednesday) sells Jet-A. Phone: 623-295-9776. I called after hours, so I have no pricing information to report. The message said to leave a message regarding after-hours fueling. For the Avgas crowd, the self-serve 100LL are reported to work well.

The parking questions and concerns are better directed to AOPA. It looks like much of the parking may be unpaved. There appear to be former runway areas (from when it was an extension to Luke AFB) that might be used for some of it. AOPA is recruiting volunteers to help marshal the airplanes. No doubt there will be NOTAMs about the airspace and the multiple airshow-related closures. (see the program.)

It's the first AOPA fly-in of the season, so an initial opportunity for regional Diamond pilots to have an organized opportunity to meet up. Even if this one isn't for everyone, there will be other opportunities. This one appears to be well suited for pilots who want to fly in and stay, although a one-day visit seems quite possible.

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Re: Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 17-19, 2023

Post by saramse »

I finally got through to someone at AOPA that knew something about the parking situation. Here is what they said:

"I found out from the events staff that almost everyone is going to get sent to the parking on the north side of the ramp. Apparently the parking areas are all paved so there should be no issue with anyone parking there.

The parking to the south of the ramp in the paved areas are reserved for campers, that would not be an option for anyone who isn’t camping.

As always, spots are first come first serve. So if anyone wants to have that paved row up front…they should plan on being an early bird.

Jon Gandy
Aviation Technical Specialist, AOPA"

So, sounds like they are NOT expecting more planes than parking that is available. I hope everyone in the area will join Steve and I.
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Re: Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 17-19, 2023

Post by saramse »

The Buckeye Air Fest in Buckeye, AZ is this weekend and the weather looks good, ~70F highs all weekend. I’ll be Marshaling aircraft on Friday 8a-1pm, so look forward to seeing a bunch of Diamond’s fly in!

Our group dinner is planned for Saturday the 18th, 6:30pm at Rudy’s Country Store and Bar-B-Q, 845 N Litchfield Rd, Goodyear, AZ 85338.

Steve Zimmerman and I are looking forward to seeing you there!
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Re: Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 17-19, 2023

Post by photoSteveZ »

Buckeye debrief:

Scott landed early on Friday in his DA-40 and sweet-talked the ramp and tower volunteers to look out for me and marshal my DA62 to one of the few paved parking spots on the south side of the show ramp. Thank you, Scott! It was dusty enough without having to taxi and park in the dirt.

We eventually moved both of our Diamonds to adjacent spots on the paved ramp and, once the wind stopped howling, set up our Diamond Pilots Association banners and started talking to people. The DA62 was a big draw all weekend and I talked to dozens of folks about the airplane and DPA. A third Diamond, a DA40 from California, eventually parked near us; we were the only three Diamonds to fly in for the event, though Embry-Riddle (Prescott) had a DA42 on static display closer to show center.

It was a nice event; AOPA did a great job stocking their hospitality chalet with drinks and snacks, and Boeing hosted a reception during the Friday practice air show. The seminars were worthwhile and well attended.

The airshow was small but of good quality: Eric Tucker's 'drunken farmer' J-3 Cub act was a highlight, as were unannounced flybys by a formation of four F-16s and the CAF Consolidated PB-4Y Privateer. But the dust really is wearisome to someone not used to it (that's me!) and I'm not sure I'd go back again.

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Re: Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 14-16, 2025

Post by Steve »

Anyone planning to go to the AOPA Air Fair this year? I was thinking of attending. It definitely is the right season for an 800 NM flight from TX to AZ. The last time I flew out to Phoenix in late June, ramp temperatures were 113 degrees. My youngest son lives in Phoenix, so he would attend the Air Show with me. If others are going, let's try to meet up...
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Re: Diamond Fly-in To Buckeye Air Fair (KBXK) February 17-19, 2023

Post by Steve »

Nobody else going? I flew out today. There was an aircraft accident just before I arrived that closed the airport for a while. Apparently, a Tecnam twin went off the runway - no injuries thank goodness. Had plenty of fuel to loiter, but was planning my diversion to Deer Valley when they reopened the field. Anyway, I’ll be at the Airshow on Saturday. If anyone wants to get together, 210-347-0158.
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