Current IFR rating?

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Current IFR rating

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Re: Redbird td2

Post by waynemcc999 »

Mjwatlanta wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:10 pm I am beginning work on my instrument rating after a very long break from flying. Basically, I’m starting from scratch. I am curious about peoples’ thoughts about the use of a redbird TD2. It emulates or simulates a generic airplane. It has a yoke instead of a stick. But it does have G 1000 instruments. Is it a good investment to make me a safer and more efficient pilot?
Michael, I would first echo all that Paul, Russ and Rich said above.

Additionally, I'd suggest using (real-person ATC) along with the sim to make it all VERY real, especially the adrenalin factor.

If you roll your own sim (non-loggable) you can purchase G1000 panels (e.g. RealSimGear) for very realistic tactile buttonology, -- or-- as I do, simply mouse click off the PC screen. For proficiency work I'm quite happy with this setup:
-- X-Plane 11.55 (or soon, XP12)
-- running on a mid-range desktop (in my case an iMac)
-- the TorqueSim SR22 (has quite good G1000 fidelity)
-- ForeFlight connected with the sim
-- PilotEdge
-- a simple joystick (for IFR the stick and rudder has nearly no importance) -- and also no need for rudder pedal clutter

Wayne McClelland
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Re: Current IFR rating?

Post by Mike Jones »

Cirrus SR22 IR(R) restricted instrument rating UK only thing! Allows me to to fly IMC in uk airspace with the exception of Airways. Half way to full IR which I hope to do early next year (possibly in the US) while waiting for my 62 to be built. It gave me 30hrs under the hood doing holds, ILS and RNAV and is perceived as a “get out of jail” card. In practice. What it did do was make me comfortable to descend and climb through cloud which is what we have most of the time in the UK! My SR22 isn’t FIKI so that’s always at the back of my mind above 7-8000ft even in the summer. It does work as I had to use it to get around the French end of the Alps in cloud at 14000ft with outside air at -12.
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Re: Current IFR rating?

Post by Mjwatlanta »

Thanks for all the input on redbird td2. My flight school da40s are all avgas with two having g1000 panels and gfc700. The others are steam gauges. I’m sticking with the glass. I won’t have access to nxi versions until I buy my own plane. In the meantime I’d like to be as proficient on the g1000 and 700ap as possible. If I can find a used td2 the economics and ability to practice at home might make sense. Stay tuned.
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Re: Current IFR rating?

Post by dant »

One thing not mentioned that I think is the most important is you can have instrument failures that you don't see coming. It's just a completely different experience seeing your CFI reach over and cover your altitude vs realizing after a couple minutes in the soup that your altitude hasn't moved and having it sink in that you have no idea how high you are.
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Re: Current IFR rating?

Post by janders »

FWIW, I bought a TD2 for use at home and find it to be much worse than just using MSFS sometimes. The DA62 isn't present as an available aircraft (nor is there any aircraft with similar speeds I can reference). Some knobs are modeled wrong (the PFD range button seems to be wired in reverse). It's nice to have a legal way to actually get log my required holds and it's fun to let my son train on but I think that Wayne's setup above might be superior.
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Re: Current IFR rating?

Post by waynemcc999 »

The DA62 in X-Plane 11.55 (PC or Mac) is quite good.
COVID Sim - Aspen IMC 1-Departure & Hold
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Re: Current IFR rating? Redbird td2

Post by Mjwatlanta »

First, I’d like everyone for providing information to date about the use of simulators in my quest to get instrument rated. Second, I have an opportunity to buy a redbird TD2 for $5500. The software has been updated through June 2022. Is that a reasonable price? Costs nearly $9000 new. I don’t see it as much of a risk given the fact I could probably sell it for what I paid or nearly that if I don’t like it. At least for the foreseeable future I will be training on a Garmin G 1000, not the G 1000 NXI, and this will get me started on learning to fly approaches and things of that nature. All opinions appreciated.
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Re: Current IFR rating?

Post by dmloftus »

I ran FSX for years, then X-Plane 11. MSFS2020 was a mess at first, especially the abysmal G1000 bugs, but it is now very respectable if you download the G1000 NXi package from Working Title. I run it with a Saitek Cessna yoke, Cessna rudder pedals, and throttle quadrant which makes a very respectable and affordable C172 NAV III package (good refresher for when I want to rent a 172 somewhere on vacations I don't fly my Diamond, like Iceland). I add a Thrustmaster joystick to better simulate my Diamond. MSFS also requires another program like FlightEvents running in parallel to broadcast GPS coordinates, etc to Foreflight on your iPad. The flight dynamics on the DA40 are respectable and the weather controls and simulated instrument failures are very good.
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Re: Current IFR rating?

Post by jwx96 »

2003 DA40, G530/430 WAAS, with KAP 140 autopilot. I'm about 1/2 way through my instrument training. I think I'm already a much better pilot and I'm really enjoying the training. The airspace around Minneapolis is currently very busy with training aircraft. We currently have 4 flight schools at my Class D airport - KFCM. How many of you got much actual IMC experience during your training.? If you didn't, where did you eventually get it? Thanks!
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Re: Current IFR rating?

Post by Boatguy »

jwx96 wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 3:52 am 2003 DA40, G530/430 WAAS, with KAP 140 autopilot. I'm about 1/2 way through my instrument training. I think I'm already a much better pilot and I'm really enjoying the training. The airspace around Minneapolis is currently very busy with training aircraft. We currently have 4 flight schools at my Class D airport - KFCM. How many of you got much actual IMC experience during your training.? If you didn't, where did you eventually get it? Thanks!
Real IMC in a DA40 is sort of a conundrum. We pop up / down through the "marine layer" in California, but that's usually about 1,000' - 1,500' of non-turbulent overcast. Or in the winter it's ground fog which means cruising in beautiful weather, then an approach to minimums. Real IMC as associated with winter storms usually means I'd also be in icing conditions, so I don't go. Flying in the midwest and south the IMC seemed to be associated with big convective activity, which I would circumnavigate.

The longest time I've gotten in IMC has been after a storm at lower altitudes and shorter flights.

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