The flight departed Göteborg City Airport (Säve) with the object of practicing takeoffs and landings. For various reasons, this could not be done immediately after takeoff so the flight proceeded NE to practice emergency landings. This was done by having the instructor close the throttle, after which the student had to perform the items on the emergency checklist and prepare for landing in a suitable open field. The first practice was performed in a normal manner and was terminated when the instructor applied full throttle and the aircraft climbed to 1200 feet. The next practice started in a similar way but when the instructor applied full throttle again the engine wound up at high RPM without any noticeable thrust being produced. The instructor then took over the aircraft while the student sent an emergency radio message saying that they planned an emergency landing. The aircraft landed on a plowed, partially snow-covered field. Because of the frozen uneven surface, the propeller, wings and landing gear were damaged. Those on board were not injured and could leave the aircraft, which remained upright with its nose resting on the ground.
The accident was caused by recycling a clutch plate and by a number of shortcomings in the design and the installation documents of the clutch.
1. (Report RL 2006:08e)
- Created on
- Wednesday 7 October 2015
- Posted on
- Wednesday 7 October 2015
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